
vernal equinox

i visited a magical wonderland
participated in a new myth
laughed loudly with beautiful people
got my first sunburn since miami
watched the cheshire cat grin of the moon grow sweetly
planted persimmon tomatoes and peach tomatoes, among a handful of other heirloom varieties, turkish orange eggplants and pink long tung and rosa bianca fairy-plum eggplants, ground cherries, hollyhock, nasturtiums, black chilies, 5-color hot peppers, and more for future visions of wonder and tasty delights...
got bit, hard, by one of my favorite cats...
had awkward moments and twin moments of wonder
drank champagne and ate silky-delicious tahini-stuffed cabbage and other succulent treats...
listened to dolly, lucinda, and iris
worried about my giant molar cavity
decided to try not to make major decisions impulsively, at least for awhile.

it was a good weekend.

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