
in new york missing baltimore

story of my life, missing people in other places. i'm lucky, though. all the beautiful people in all the wonderful places.... anyway, some baltimore in your face:

future islands at floristree during last year's transmodern festival

beach house at the zodiac
(i like this video because its beach house at the zodiac, and i love beach house and the zodiac both so much, and it was valentine's day or real close to it and i was sick but i went anyway and i stood by the door, leaning on the wizard who stands there, and i spaced out watching clamshells breathe bubbles up to the cieling. but if you want to hear + see beach house in a better quality way, look at this.)

part one
and part two of the missoula oblongata's play adaptation of Tom and Jerry during the annex theater's incredible Hanna Barbera Cartoon Play Festival. (also check out this video of the space ghost play. awesome.)

i spy my friends getting down! what cheer! brigade (from providence) playing at whartscape 09 (do yr own search for more whartscape info- there's no central page for it, but here's wham city's page which has so much information about so many things on it, that it might make your head spin)... i missed this performance, i had to work my last day at my stupid job that got in the way of my life all the time! i didnt know it was my last day there (i thought i had another week) or i would have bailed for this. i spent most of whartscape days painting faces + arms and legs and watching so many great bands that it seems like a dream. (fancy dress friday at the baltimore museum of art was surreal. so many awesome performances...)

man i am nostalgic. i also miss laying around after late nights, with my lovely friends on the couches + mattresses in our living room, drinking hot toddy's or bloody mary's and watching feel-good movies all day and into the night. and i miss when i helped my friend, antoinette suiter, put these stages together (the Theopticon, for artscape 09

which, when looked at through the viewer,
played with your brain and combined the two stage images into one bizarro image.
i also performed a bunch, including with my favorite april camlin in the world:

stefani levin's 'things to put on your face' booth

i could go on all day. i miss that charming city.
but its pouring rain and its dark even though its not even 4pm yet and maybe that's enough revling nostalgia, and i should get some things together for tomorrow. we're doing a blessing for my cousin, tarissa, who is turning 18.

love, jkj

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